A Community Doing Good

Yinghao Dong, one of the local cultural arts performers who Asian Institute Crane House supports - at the organization's Lunar New Year Gala. Photo Credit: Jack Qiu
In 1858, Dempsey Sherrod – a blind man from Mississippi – convinces his state to charter a national “Publishing House to Print Books in Raised Letters” to be located in Louisville. The General Assembly of Kentucky passes an act to create the American Printing House for the Blind leading to more than 160 years of life-changing innovations.
A Hand Up Community Resource Center
3212 Rosewedge Way
(502) 777-6231
By connecting the economically vulnerable to available resources, the Center endeavors to provide hope and a better quality of life to those struggling to make ends meet.
AMPED Louisville
4425 Greenwood Ave
(502) 432-2579
Teaching youth to believe in themselves, AMPED puts kindness, guidance, and support into practice with the use of music education, music creation, and performance that will help youth to become caring, career minded, and community focused citizens who will impact their environment in a positive way.
Asia Institute Crane House
1244 S. Third Street
(502) 635-2240
A community resource that promotes understanding of Asian cultures and heritage through education, outreach, and the arts.
BsideU for Life Pregnancy & Life Skills Center
701 W. Muhammad Ali Blvd
(502) 589-9400
Protects the lives of unborn children and presents the Gospel of Jesus Christ in word and deed to those who are facing or have experienced a crisis pregnancy.
Coalition for the Homeless
1300 S. 4th Street, Suite 250
(502) 636-9550
Their mission is to prevent and end homelessness in Louisville though education, advocacy, and the coordination of 30+ member agencies and dozens of other community partners.
Dare to Care Food Bank
5803 Fern Valley Road
(502) 966-3821
To end hunger in our community through partnerships, innovative programs, and community engagement.
Eastern Area Community Ministries
9104 Westport Road
(502) 426-2824
Serving families in Eastern Jefferson County who are experiencing a crisis or facing urgent needs, EACM provides emergency assistance with utilities and rent, access to our food pantry, and programming to empower and build self-reliance.
631 S 28th St.
(502) 587-8673
Helping older adults in Louisville's West End overcome social isolation, pursue wellness, and maintain independence.
Family Scholar House
403 Reg Smith Circle
(502) 584-8090
Their mission is to end the cycle of poverty by giving single-parent students the support they need to earn a four-year college degree.
FEAT of Louisville
1100 E Market St, Louisville
(502) 774-0797
Dedicated to easing the autism journey through ongoing support, education and programs including the Autism Friendly Business Initiative.
2539 W. Main Street
(502) 475-0555
Educating the community and increasing awareness of human trafficking and sexual-based crimes in Kentucky, the organization also provides a Women’s Drop-in Center for female victims of domestic violence and sex crimes
Harbor House
2231 Lower Hunters Trace
(502) 719-0072
Enhancing the lives of people with disabilities through employment, self-determination, education, and community-building opportunities
Home of the Innocents
1100 East Market Street
(502) 596-1000
Established in 1880, Home of the Innocents enriches the lives of children and families with programs including residential and community-based behavioral health services, therapeutic foster care and adoption services, supportive services for homeless young adults, and long-term care for medically complex or terminally ill children.
Kentuckiana Stroke Association
3425 Stony Spring Circle #102
(50) 499-5757
The primary resource center for locals affected by stroke.
La Casita Center
223 E. Magnolia Ave
(502) 322-4036
Enhancing the well-being of Louisville's Latinx community through education, empowerment, advocacy, and wellness.
Louisville Grows
1641 Portland Avenue
(502) 791-0966
An environmental organization whose mission is to grow greener, healthier and more sustainable neighborhoods through programming focusing on urban forestry, urban agriculture and urban sustainability.
Queer Kentucky
900 East Main Street
(502) 550-9620
A diverse LGBTQ+ run non-profit working to bolster and enhance Queer culture and health though storytelling, education and action.
Recovery Louisville
1017 W Market St
(502) 357-1952
Providing outpatient services and sober housing to individuals struggling with addiction to drugs and/or alcohol.
Seven Counties Services, Inc.
10401 Linn Station Rd, Suite 100
(502) 589-8600
Building healthy communities by helping individuals and families who are affected by mental illness, developmental disabilities, addictions, and abuse realize their potential.
St. Joseph Children’s Home
2823 Frankfort Avenue
(502) 893-0241
A multi-faceted, child-caring nonprofit licensed by Kentucky with the mission of “Giving Children a Home.”
The Center for Women & Families
927 S. 2nd Street
Provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for individuals, families and communities affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault.