Farm Fresh

Shopping locally means supporting local businesses. Local farms throughout the area depend on residents to sustain their way of life. Farmers are dedicated to creating quality products and work hard to get them into the hands of local consumers. Buying your food locally also means that you’re supporting a local family, preserving open space by supporting farming, and you’re engaging in a time-honored connection between the grower and consumer.

Onslow County Farmers’ Market
4024 Richlands Hwy
(910) 455-5873
Their mission is to support farm families and local foods while inspiring our neighbors to be healthier. This seasonal market offers local produce, meats, honey, baked goods and other handmade products. Check out their website for more information.

Humphrey Farm
522 W Willis Landing Rd, Hubert
(910) 548-4669
This 50-acre farmland is a sod, honey and goat farm. They host a variety of festivals and events – from BBQ and Chili Cooking Contests to Crafts Fairs and Music Festivals. Check out their website for their latest event schedule.

Hines Family Farm
1037 Hinestown Rd
(910) 459-2945
Fresh, locally grown produce is available year-round.

Cole’s Farm
200 Bribster Cr N
(910) 333-6585
Offering local wildflower honey from an active-duty owned, family-operated honey bee hobby farm.

Mike’s Farm
1600 Haw Branch Rd, Beulaville
(910) 324-3422
As the first Onslow County agri-tourism farm, Mike’s Farm offers seasonal hayrides, pumpkin & strawberry picking, a family-style restaurant, shopping, event venues and more.

Southwest Strawberry Farm
2053 Pony Farm Rd
(910) 357-0026
Open April – August, pick your own berries. Call ahead of time for availability.