10 Things to do Grove City

Grove City is recognized as the “Best Hometown” in central Ohio by Ohio Magazine. Located just 15-20 minutes from downtown Columbus, many families decide to live, play and explore in Grove City and the surrounding areas. Initially founded in 1852, the city has grown to support industry, distribution, medical facilities, and service routes to most of Ohio. As you explore, you’ll learn more about the rich history, appreciation for nature and the heart of the increasingly diverse population.
- 1. City Parks and Bike Trails: www.grovecityohio.gov/parks-and-recreation Be sure to explore the many parks listed on the Parks & Trails page. If you enjoy walking your dog, playing pickleball, softball, playgrounds, or hiking. There is something for everyone!
- 2. Community Events & Festivals: There is always something happening in and around the downtown area or Town Center Park- 3359 Park St, Grove City. www.visitgrovecity.org hosts community searches for www.heartofgrovecity.org hosts festivals, food truck nights, and more. www.gcchamber.org and the www.grovecityohio.gov host Arts in the Alley, Boo Off Broadway, Summer Sizzle Music Nights, 4th of July and Christmas celebrations.
- 3. Outdoor Sports: Be sure to check out all the local listings on the Attractions Pages in this guide. Grove City is just 15 minutes away from Metro Parks: Scioto Grove and Battelle Darby Park offering nature areas, hiking, playgrounds, and much more. Nearby is paintball, archery, putt-putt, and sledding.
- 4. Celebrate the Arts: Take in a play at The Little Theater Off Broadway www.ltob.org , enjoy a variety of music genres during the Summer Sizzle Series www.grovecityohio.gov (held in Town Center Park), make your own candle at The Chandler, take a painting class at The Farm Table, or paint a project at Coffee Break Pottery (4046 Knapp Dr.). Be sure to walk all around the Arts in the Alley, the third week of Sep to see local art, vendor artisans, and musical talent.
- 5. Grove City History: Be sure to explore the Grove City Welcome Center & Museum (3378 Park St., The Grant-Sawyer Home (4126 Haughn Rd), Century Village (4185 Orders Rd.) Check for hours and details at www.visitgrovecityoh.com
- 6. Downtown Shops and Eats: Need to find that special gift item? Check out all the options in the downtown Grove City area. You can find something new, unique, old and nostalgic, or make something yourself. Take a walk along Broadway to enjoy a cup of coffee, a sweet treat, lunch, dinner, a beer, or nutritional drink. There are a few benches along the way to rest, so now worries!
- 7. Grove City Area Chamber of Commerce: www.gcchamber.org You’ll find local business references, events, connections to the community, and opportunities to volunteer. If you own a business, it’s a great way to meet other business owners.
- 8. Grove City Homecoming: If you are not originally from Grove City, you will wonder what is happening the last weekend in July. This is when all the Grove City alumni return to celebrate community, reminisce with former classmates, compete in softball tournaments and golf outings, and eat at every restaurant and pub in town.
- 9. Grove City Library: 3959 Broadway, (614) 875-6716, www.swpl.org Open M-Sat (9am- 8pm), Sun (1-5pm) This branch is part of the Southwest Public Libraries. Applications for a card are available online or at the branch. Resources are available for all ages: story time, creative play, computer learning, college prep, etc. Check seasonal Happenings at SPL on the website.
- 10. Christmas Celebration: (First weekend in December.) Grove City hosts Santa, live entertainment, holiday shopping, a parade through the Heart of Grove City with an official tree lighting at the end of the parade. For details: www.grovecityohio.gov